Since the launched of this blog, it has managed to boost a visitors of 600+ to date, averaging about 20 per day. I would like to thank all of you for your continual support. I will do my best to update this blog whenever I can. Feel free to email me regarding anything that you like to know or would like to share so that I can post it here.
This blog has also managed to influence a few of my friends to create a blog of their own. One of them is my dear Wendy. If you have been drinking wine all along but do not know its origin, history, this is a great site to start with. Like Wendy herself, you would definitely find the blog interesting if you appreciate wine as much as she does. The other is one of my OCS friend Glen Jiang aka Jiang Baby lol. A personal blog he started, you can find some interesting information and thoughts from an interesting blogger who has studied arts.
Anyway, my dear and me went for Grace's SIM Bash at St. James' Power Station yesterday night. It was packed and we wasted some good 15-30min waiting outside. After some drinks, we went to the dance floor but music for that night sucks and we got out after an hours plus. My dear was hungry so we headed to Jalan Kayu to eat her favourite cheese prata. (why do girls like cheese so much?) Unfortunately, I did not have any drops of alcohol that night as I could not touch it for a good 6 months. I cannot tell you the reason, unless I could kill you after that... with cheese.. hahaIts obvious which one is me right? I was stepping on some platform and hence explained for that difference in height. :P
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