Just for your extra information. Few weeks ago, NTU has made a standardization of some commonly used terminology. From now onwards, the previously used term "Module/Subject" has been changed to "Course". A bit strange because previously when people asked what course are you studying? Common reply would be "Computer Engineering"(for example). Now the term "Course" has been changed to "Subject/Module" instead. And the degree you are studying now has been standardize to "Programme". This sounds more logical.
To add on, I have to endure the 12 hours mugging with the stupid sickening flu. And I tell you, FLU IS THE MOST FREQUENT AND ANNOYING SICKNESS! Brought 1 1/2 pack of tissue but ran out half way. Went down to Canteen to buy 2 packets. Cost of 2 packets of tissue - $0.40. The feeling of wiping your mucus with tissue when its dripping - PRICELESS.
Ok, just some stress releasing. Time to catch some sleep to chiong tomorow. Nightz
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